• 1. What is impact investing? What are the key characteristics?

  • 2. Who are our Investors?

  • 3. What are these investors looking for?

  • 4. Who are the beneficiaries of the investments?

  • 5. How are repayments on loans monitored? What are some of the risk mitigations in place?

  • 6. How do potential borrowers get in touch with AIM STEPs?

  • 7. Are the interest rates charged on such loans justified from a regulatory perspective?

  • 8. How does AIM STEPs cover all the costs end-to-end?

  • 9. What is the role of a Field / Marketing Agent?

  • 10. How does the money for the loan reach the investee / borrower?

  • 11. What is the investment lifecycle and framework for investing?